1:1 Chromebook Insurance
Repairs to school issued Chromebooks start at $30 and increase depending on the issue. They can run up to the full replacement cost of $270 if the device cannot be repaired or has been stolen. We have again partnered with Worth Ave Group to provide parents the opportunity to purchase comprehensive insurance for Chromebooks. Insurance is available for $25 for the year with no deductible, even if multiple replacements are necessary. For details check out this flyer, or purchase insurance before September 30th from our Worth Ave Group portal.
We know that sometimes families struggle with financial and other challenges. We’ve curated a page of resources to help. Links on this page will help you find out about discounted internet service, apply for free and reduced price school meals online, and reach organizations that can connect you with community action and public assistance you may qualify for. Visit https://ewgrsd.org/resources for more information.
Online Student Contact Information and Parent Permissions
We ask that you update each student's emergency contact information through a workflow in your Aspen Family Portal. Please log into your Aspen Family Portal and update your contact information at the start of school and regularly throughout the school year as changes occur. Having up to date contact information is extremely important in case we need to reach you in an emergency.
Also new this year, you can complete many of the parent permissions sign-offs online through a workflow in your Aspen Family Portal. Some forms are not yet available online, but any that you are able to complete online do not need to be completed on paper and returned to the school.
Student Contact Information Workflow Instructions
Please go to Aspen and log in. http://ri-ewg.myfollett.com/
Once in the portal please scroll down to the Task Widget box and click “Initiate the Workflow”.
A new window will pop up. Depending on your browser settings you may need to allow popups or disable popup blocking for ri-ewg.myfollett.com
Select “1 - Update student emergency card”
Date = Today’s Date
Select your student’s name. *Note: you will have repeat this for each of your children
Click - Next
Review the information and make changes as necessary:
To make this a little easier to use, you can maximize the window using the box in the upper right corner.
The top portion of the page is what we currently have on file.
You can make changes on the bottom portion of the page by clicking into contact and typing in the change. Ex: phone number.
You can Add new contacts using the Add button to the far right (you may need to scroll right to see it)
You can Delete unwanted contacts by editing them and using the “Delete this contact” option at the bottom of the popup.
If there are no changes, simply check the “No changes necessary” box at the bottom of the popup.
Click - Next
Click - Finish
It’s important to know that you won’t see your changes once you hit the Finish button. All changes must be approved by the school office staff before they are seen when you log back into Aspen. Any changes over the summer will be reviewed and responded to at the beginning of the new school year.
If you have any difficulty following this process or logging into Aspen, please submit a ticket to Technology at ticket.ewgrsd.org, email support@ewg.k12.ri.us, or call the helpdesk at 401-397-6896.
Parent Permissions Workflow Instructions
Please go to Aspen and log in. http://ri-ewg.myfollett.com/
Once in the portal please scroll down to the Task Widget box and click “Initiate the Workflow”.
A new window will pop up. Depending on your browser settings you may need to allow popups or disable popup blocking for ri-ewg.myfollett.com
Select “2 - Parent Permissions Workflow”
Select your student’s name. *Note: you will have repeat this for each of your children
Click Next
After you have reviewed the Responsible Use of Technology Agreement with your child, check the box for “Responsible Use of Technology Agreement”
Click the Student Permissions tab at the top of the window.
Review the notice. Choose Yes or No from the dropdown for each of the permissions.
Click the Handbook tab at the top of the window.
Review the handbook for the school your child attends and the School Committee Policies. When you have finished, check the box to indicate you have done so.
Click the Sign-Off tab at the top of the window.
Enter Today’s Date
Click Finish
If you have any difficulty following this process or logging into Aspen, please submit a ticket to Technology at ticket.ewgrsd.org, email support@ewg.k12.ri.us, or call the helpdesk at 401-397-6896.