The goal of the Human Resource department is to assist and support all of our employees and the Exeter-West Greenwich School District by employing, supporting and retaining a qualified, diverse workforce.

Jordan Votto

Human Resource Executive Assistant

Central Administration Office

940 Nooseneck Hill Rd

West Greenwich, RI 02817

Monday-Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm

(401)-397-5125 ext. 35

Fax: (401)-397-2407


Please note: All potential hires and substitutes must have a current fingerprint-based federal BCI check. A BCI is valid for a period of one year.

Substitute Employment Information

In addition to completing a School Spring application, substitute applicants are required to complete and submit the application packet paperwork listed below.

To access Job Postings on School Spring, click here: Public Job Postings

Ocean State Transit Job Posting

The EWG School District is seeking qualified applicants for the above position. Must be available Monday through Friday on an "on-call" basis. Teacher Assistants must have a RIDE approved Teacher Assistant Certificate and a passing grade on the Para Pro Test or an Associates Degree or higher.

You can access the application by clicking on the Non Certified Substitute Packet above.

Hourly Rate: $16.50

The EWG School District is seeking qualified applicants for the above position. Must be available Monday through Friday on an "on-call" basis. Must have a Bachelor's degree/ Associates Degree or have completed 2 years of a 4 year degree program.

You can access the application by clicking on the Certified Substitute packet above.

Daily rate is as follow: Days worked 1-30 - $125/ Days 31+ - $150

Implementation of RI Model Teacher Evaluation & Support System- LEA Flexibility Decisions

The Exeter-West Greenwich Regional School District welcomes diversity in its employment opportunities, programs and activities.

Equal Opportunity Employment

EWG School District is committed to maintaining a work and learning environment free from discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, pregnancy, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital/civil union status, ancestry, place of birth, age, citizenship status, veteran status, political affiliation, genetic information or disability, as defined and required by state and federal laws. Additionally, we prohibit retaliation against individuals who oppose such discrimination and harassment or who participate in an equal opportunity investigation.

504 Coordinator- James Erinakes, II

Title IX

Title IX District Policy

Title IX Employee Reporting Form

Title IX Complaint Form

Title IX Training Presentation

Please contact our Title IX Coordinators with any questions or concerns at:

Title IX Coordinators - Jordan Votto & Patricia Ruizzo